If you are using Windows 3.1, you'll need to find the
"Main" program group and look for an icon called "MS-DOS
Prompt". Double-click on it to get the
"C:\WINDOWS>" prompt
in a black window with white text.
In Windows 95, click on "Start", then "Programs", then
"MS-DOS Prompt".
In Windows 98, try the Windows 95 steps above, then
try the Windows ME steps below. It is the same as one of
those, but I don't have a Windows 98 machine handy to test.
In Windows ME, click on "Start", then "Programs", then
"Accessories", then "MS-DOS Prompt".
In Windows NT 4, I believe it was called the "Command Prompt".
Try the steps described for Windows 2000 below.
In Windows 2000, it is called the "Command Prompt" and you
can find it by clicking on Start, then Programs, then Accessories,
then Command Prompt.
In Windows XP, it is called the "Command Prompt" and you can
get to it by clicking on Start, then All Programs, then Accessories,
then Command Prompt.
You will get the black window with
the "C:\WINDOWS>" prompt.
Now you're ready for the next step.
Starting QBASIC
QBASIC may not be on your computer. Don't be alarmed,
Appendix A shows you how to get it there. At the
"C:\WINDOWS>" prompt, try typing:
and press the <Enter> key.
If you get a blue screen with
something about a "Survival Guide", you made it!
If instead you got something about a "Bad command or file name",
you need to check out Appendix A to get QBASIC
installed on
your machine. Don't worry, we'll wait right here for you.
Survival Guide?
We won't be using the survival guide right now, so press
the <Esc> (escape) key to get the big blank blue screen.
Now we're ready to program.
the statements in the Qbasic Screen
All the statements should be written
in the Qbasic screen. Remember to start typing at the upper left corner of the
screen where the blinking cursor is located.
The small
blinking underline at very end of the statement signifies where the cursor is.
Always take note of the position of the cursor so that you will be aware of the
point or place where to resume typing.
Getting Out
If you need to leave QBASIC, you can click on "File" on
QBASIC's menu and
then "Exit" to get back to DOS.
At the "C:\WINDOWS>"
prompt, type:
and then press the <Enter> key to get rid of the
DOS window.